Anchored Soul
Sync into Art, Energy and Intuition
Tarot & Angel/Oracle Card Readings

If the available times don't work for you please e-mail or call/text at 401-316-6401 to inquire about other possible openings.
Tarot Card Readings
If you aren't new to having your cards read, you know that everyone reads a little bit differently, and has their own style and interpretations of the cards.
The way that my readings are done is all intuitively. The pictures speak to me, and when you speak, I also have a sense of knowing (claircognizance), and a sense of feeling (clairsentience). At times I may see or hear or sense energies.
As you share your concerns and questions, the cards themselves also begin to make more sense and tell an even deeper story. Some people do not like to "overshare" when having a reading, but I am not a mind reader, nor am I trying to make you believe that I am! The cards and I are only here to help divinely guide you, give clarity, and help you to see the bigger picture!
Angel/Oracle card readings
These are similar to Tarot card readings, except you may find the guidance to be a little softer and gentle. While the Tarot isn't "evil," it can show you the bitter truth, and sometimes we just want soft guidance- that is how I personally utilize my angel oracle cards.
At times, I am drawn to utilize healing crystals in readings to assist in receiving and delivering the messages. I also tend to use them in combination with the tarot, if I'm feeling it! I trust in the universe, and the universe speaks through me and the cards.