Anchored Soul
Sync into Art, Energy and Intuition
Reiki Trainings
(Reiki I, Reiki II, RMT, Reiki Training + Spiritual Growth Journey)
Introduction to Reiki
Reiki originated in Japan in 1922 as a natural healing technique by the means of energy.
Energy healing has been proven to improve several physical pains, emotions, and stress.
During a session, the practitioner's hands are gently placed, or hovered, over the client.
The universal life force energy (that already exists around us) is channeled
through the practitioner as if they were a straw, and transferred to you!
As that positive, cleansing, uplifting and relaxing energy is projected to the client,
it allows the energy system to flow more freely, which promotes healing where it is needed!
We are energetic beings who can absorb, attract and repel energies. It is natural for us to take on unwanted energies from trauma, negativity, imbalances, etc. This can cause energetic blockages that affect our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Reiki is a high vibrational, loving energy that cultivates in an overall healthier state for the mind, body & soul.
Click Here To Check The Calendar For Upcoming Trainings
Many people use Reiki for:
mental clarity
stress relief/ relaxation
support in healing an ailment/illness
meditation time
depression & trauma
balancing chakras (energy centers within us)
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Usui Reiki I Training
Reiki Level ONE Certification With RMT Alana Almonte
8-10 Hour Training ($222, plus $25 manual)
Why become certified in level 1?
Because it is beneficial for several reasons. Firstly, it provides YOU with a holistic approach to healing! You can treat yourself, close friends, family, plants and animals. Learning Reiki Level 1 can also empower you to take control of your health and well-being by offering a simple yet effective method for self-care and promoting balance in your life. Additionally, it opens the door to a potential career path in energy healing or complementary therapy, allowing practitioners to help others on their journey to wellness. Overall, Reiki Level 1 offers valuable tools for personal growth, healing, and spiritual development. Its the first step towards a very positive direction!
* Each attunement process can trigger profound personal growth and transformation, helping you to release blockages, overcome obstacles, increase your intuitive senses and move forward on your spiritual path.
What you will learn & accomplish:
Fundamental principles and techniques of Reiki healing
History and philosophy of Reiki
Basic ways it can be applied to promote physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Basic hand placements for self-healing and treating others, as well as techniques for grounding and centering and protecting your energy.
You will receive a level one attunement (an energetic initiation that allows you to channel Reiki energy).
You will gain a basic understanding about the 7 main chakras/the energy system.
We will touch on the law of attraction and the science of vibration & frequencies.
You will practice reiki on yourself and other students
You will receive a level one certification!
After you receive this attunement and certification, you can then opt to become Reiki Level 2 Certified, which brings healing energy that is 4 times as powerful as reiki 1!
Usui Reiki II Training
Reiki Level Two Certification With RMT Alana Almonte
8-10 Hour Training ($333 ~ use manual from Reiki 1)
Why become certified in level 2?
Because (as I said before), the healing that is available is 4 times as powerful as Reiki 1, AND you can do it from a distance! With Level 2 training, you will gain access to 3 powerful healing symbols that you can utilize in your everyday throughout the day, and with those you are treating. One of those symbols is responsible for giving you the capability to heal people/places/things from a distance! It generally offers practitioners a deeper understanding, a stronger intuition and an expanded skill set in the practice of Reiki healing. Becoming certified in level 2 equips practitioners with a more comprehensive toolkit for healing themselves and others, further deepening their connection to this transformative practice. At this point, you can treat the public and choose to create your own healing practice/business (and charge for your services), too! In my eyes, Reiki 2 is how we get to spread this love SO much further!
* Each attunement process can trigger profound personal growth and transformation, helping you to release blockages, overcome obstacles, increase your intuitive senses and move forward on your spiritual path.
What you will learn & accomplish:
Introduction to Reiki symbols
Distance healing techniques
Ethical considerations for practicing Reiki professionally, client confidentiality, and how to establish a professional Reiki practice
Additional hand placements/techniques
You will receive a level two attunement (an energetic initiation that allows you to channel a strong level of Reiki energy).
In depth tutorial on how to navigate a professional treatment
You will practice reiki with the symbols on yourself and other students
You will learn more about the energy system as it relates to physical, mental, emotional & spiritual aspects.
We will discuss healing crystals, altar spaces, moon cycles and more!
You will receive a level two certification!
After you receive your level 2 attunement/certification, you can then choose to become certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher, which deeply connects you to your soul, your guides and to the divine, bringing profound healings for you and those you're treating!
Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Training
(this training is a combination of Advanced Reiki & Master/Teacher)
Reiki Master/Teacher Certification With RMT Alana Almonte
8-10 Hour Training ($666 plus $25 manual)
Why become certified as a Reiki Master/Teacher?
Becoming a Reiki Master Teacher offers a profound journey of personal and spiritual growth, deepening your connection to yourself, your higher self, to your spirit guides and with this interconnected web of energy that we live in! During your training/attunement you will receive 3 more symbols that can assist in taking your healings to the next level, and you will learn more about crystals and how to utilize them in a healing grid. This advanced training not only enhances your own healing abilities, but you are also able (and encouraged) to teach and attune others to Reiki! Beyond personal development, the title of Reiki Master/Teacher opens doors to professional opportunities, allowing practitioners to offer Reiki sessions, workshops, and integrate Reiki into other healing modalities. Also, many hospitals/hospice/cancer treatment centers look for RMT's to volunteer, which is extremely rewarding and definitely needed! Overall, the path to becoming a Reiki Master Teacher enriches both your life and the lives of those you touch, fostering a ripple effect of healing and positive energy in the world.
* Each attunement process can trigger profound personal growth and transformation, helping you to release blockages, overcome obstacles, increase your intuitive senses and move forward on your spiritual path.
What you will learn & accomplish:
You will gain 3 more VERY powerful symbols to utilize in your magical healings
You will learn about and create healing grids
An increased sense of spiritual awareness and intuition
A deeper connection to the divine/spirit guides/universal life force
Additional and advanced hand placements/techniques
Discussion of your individual gifts/building intuitive senses
You will receive a level three and master/teacher attunement (an energetic initiation that allows you to channel the highest level of Usui Reiki energy).
In depth tutorial and refresher on how to navigate a professional treatment
You will practice giving and receiving reiki with all of the symbols on yourself and other students
You will learn how to conduct an attunement and how to foster a supportive learning environment
We will discuss the importance of humble leadership and becoming a guide in the realm of energy healing
You will be given the materials to
You will receive a Reiki Master/Reacher Certificate!
After you receive your RMT attunement/certification, you can then choose to teach and certify others in Reiki! Keep in mind, this is NOT for everyone, so please do not feel "pressured" to do so. There are so many professional opportunities available to RMT's as well, and I will always encourage you to explore them! However, if you just want to utilize this level of training for yourself, that is just as impactful, and respected!!
(Enhance your trainings with the 8-week Chakra Healing Journey!)
What is the Chakra Healing Journey?​
This program emphasizes a very personalized spiritual and intuitive healing journey through connecting with the chakra system in various (expressive) ways. Each fun-filled week will set you up for success to learn about your energy system, to find intuitive ways to connect with yourself, to do the inner-work and to make time/a routine for meditation, journaling and other mindful practices. This journey can be utilized as a self-study, however, If you are joining a Reiki Training + Spiritual Growth Journey, there is a strong appreciation for the connection, consistency and commitment that comes along with being part of a community, and growing/healing as a collective!
Benefits to combining your trainings with the 8-week journey:
It gives you a unique perspective and understanding of how energy flows through our systems and provides balance to our physical health.
Together, they provide you the opportunity to dial into your own energy system in a way that can create positive shifts, healings and spark your personal creativity.
The Chakra Healing Journey boosts your confidence with reiki treatments and understanding energetic shifts and how correlations between the spiritual and physical.
Both support deep interconnectedness within ourselves and with the universe, which can catapult you into a place of deep inner peace, joy and psychic/intuitive insight.
The Reiki trainings enhance your ability to grasp and utilize the information in the Chakra Healing Journey in such a way that elevates healing for yourself, and those you treat.
The Chakra Healing Journey offers you the opportunity for deeper spiritual growth as it provides you with the structure and materials to do the kind of inner-work that takes your journey with Reiki to the next level.
Being part of a community and healing as a collective over the course of several weeks supports connection, consistency and commitment to yourself and the practice!
Learn more about the 8-Week Chakra Healing Journey here.​​
(coming soon)
I'm VERY humbled and pleased to say that this program that I have created has already brought so many souls closer to themselves mentally, emotionally, physically and of course, spiritually!! It is INCREDIBLE to watch each individual have their own experience and walk away feeling so accomplished, powerful and connected. It really is hard for me to put it into words, which is why I am in the process of collecting testimonials!
If you have a testimonial, I would really love for you to share it with me (and others) in hopes to raise awareness and understanding of the impact of this transformational offering!