Just Be.
A 20x16 canvas painted in acrylics and finished with a driftwood and sea glass light house, rocks and shells for seagulls!
There is so much light in the darkness (within and around us), and guidance from many different “angles”: the bird’s eye view (seagulls), a grounded perspective (lighthouse) or a spiritual one (moon)! Find the stillness (calm water), reflect (moons light on the water), and find the light that exists. It is there. There is so much support around and within you, you just have to look around, and… just be🤍.
Additionally, the waning gibbous moon offers us the energy and time to introspect and find gratitude. A perfect time to “just be”.
Fun fact: this description and the way that I broke this painting down happened AFTER I painted it. Like, just now as I am writing the description in this post😆. I had NO plan for this. I love how art speaks on its own, and tells a story that feels so connected and relatable. So divine 🤍✨
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Anchored Soul
Sync into Art, Energy and Intuition
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