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Anchored Soul
Sync into Art, Energy and Intuition

My name is Alana Almonte and I am a self-taught, intuitive artist and an energy healer. I have been selling my work, teaching a variety of art workshops and delivering healings since 2018. I now bring you this membership as a way to offer creative expression coaching. My intention is to guide and teach in a way that helps members explore and expand their intuitive artistic abilities. You can experience the healing power of art as you take part in playful and intentional meditative practices that unleash your unique creativity! As you become more aware of the energy that you sense and experience during the process, you will be intuitively guided to create from an organic space that is unique to YOU, and only you... and that is powerful!
Through the years of showcasing and selling my "heARTwork", some of the most common comments and compliments I have heard are:
"You are SO creative"
"This is so different- I've never seen anything like it"
"How did you think to do that?"
"I immediately knew it was your work"
"You can just feel the energy you put into it"
"I don't know why, but I feel emotional looking/being near your art"
"This is so unique and one-of-a-kind"
The ability to create powerful art that is not only unlike anyone else's, but also provides deep healing, is due to the unique blend of my authentic creative gifts and intuition- which we all have the ability to channel!
The most common experiences and outcomes that my students have shared with me are:
deep inner peace/meditation/freeing of the mind
feeling surprised by their capabilities and what they've unlocked
inspiration and expansion in their creativity
new acquired skills/tools
enhanced intuition and energetic senses
clearing of negative energy/thoughts/feelings
empowerment and deep sense of accomplishment
Art is my anchor to my soul, and I know it can be for you (if it isn't already)! It excites me to be able to intentionally guide you in anchoring into your own light, so that you can create from an intuitive space that is authentic, healing and empowering!
If you're ready to explore and expand your creative abilities, and feel you would benefit from creative expression coaching, I'd love to have you join my MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP!
Monthly Motivation/Inspiration/Connection
Based off of the seasons, the elements and/or the holidays, this could include but not be limited to virtual and/or in-person:
Guided meditation
Meditation Art Masterclass
Group forum
Art workshop
Connection call(s), and more.​
Access to a growing, creative and spiritual community
Unlimited access to my growing library of channeled guided meditations (a great tool for inspiration).
Exclusive discounts on select Anchored Soul artwork, products, services, workshops, programs, events and trainings
Bonus content, offerings/tools for inspiration and energetic healing
Opportunity to sell artwork created during all masterclasses 1-2x per year via the Anchored Soul website in the Members Online Gallery!!
The Anchored Soul Members Online Gallery
As I build this membership (and as we create together), the goal is to provide a platform for my members to sell the artwork they have created in the classes (on my website) twice a year, and eventually have an in-person gallery night exclusive to current/active members who want to participate! How FUN is that?! My goal is to have this up and running by Dec 2025, if not sooner!
There is SO much to look forward to as we grow and expand together, and I am excited to see all of the beautiful, healing heARTwork that comes from it! If this is speaking to you, I hope you decide to join us- your creative spirit deserves to be free, and the world needs more of it!​​​​​​​​​​​​

You will have endless access and opportunities to anchor into your soul, and experience creativity in your own unique way that brings joy, healing and connection, consistently!
No matter if you're starting out on your spiritual/creative journey, or if you're seasoned in your "work", this is made to meet you where you are!
There is only one thing to ask yourself:
Is this speaking to you?!
Creative Inspiration and Motivation.​​
Consistent opportunity for artistic expression
Gain new ideas and perspectives
Become inspired by spiritual energy
Boost your creativity through an inspiring community
Utilize tools that help you create with deep intention, meaning and healing
Healing Outlet(s)
Helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression​
Serves as a form of expression to release emotions, mental stress, traumas, etc.
Opportunity for self-discovery & processing experiences
Spiritual Growth & Energetic Healing
Enhanced intuition and energetic awareness
Opportunity to connect with your souls energy
Cultivate positive vibrations and frequencies
Learn & grow within a safe, supportive sanctuary
Opportunity for introspection
Consistency in Your heARTwork
Opportunity to consistently nurture your creative soul in a fun, relaxing and intuitive way.
​A library of 5-30 minute pre-recorded sessions with a wide variety of specific healing intentions (ie: grounding, peace, joy, etc.)
stay connected, inspire and empowered with the scheduled gatherings!​
Community Connection
A platform where you can share and be vulnerable in a safe space​
Opportunity for creative expression, viewing others work and sharing your own.
A place where you can encourage and uplift others
An opportunity to gain insight & inspiration in your own journey
Artistic Expression- finding your intuitive voice, or expanding on existing techniques
Meditation- find inspiration in the guided journeys
Journaling- let the energy of the words guide you
Energetic healings- finding (and feeling) the healing power of artistic expression​​​​​
​​​POLICIES (overview):
Renews automatically each month, until cancelled- you can cancel at any time.
All recordings and content are for personal, non-commercial use (no sharing, downloading or recording, please!)
Kindness & compassion for others is non-negotiable :)
No refunds once the month is paid for.
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